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Water Supply Schemes

Water is one of the elements without which no living being could survive. From washing our face in the morning to every task we do, water is part and parcel of daily life. Taking it forward, water is either supplied by government or managed individually or in a community.

Here, are some aspects which should be considered while thinking of water requirement and its supply.

Before a project of water supply for a particular locality is taken in hand, a scheme is drawn out and the different aspects of the whole scheme are carefully viewed from different angles.

The water supply schemes are prepared by the combination of field observations and office work. Usually the advantage of water supply scheme is given to the city in stages i.e., a part of the city is developed first and then the second part is developed and so on. Following are the points of importance in any water supply scheme:

(1) Financial aspect

(2) Population

(3) Quality of water

(4) Rate of consumption

(5) Sanitary survey of area

(6) Sources of water supply

(7) Topography of area

(8) Trends of town development.

(1) Financial aspect: The data regarding the availability of fund for the fulfilment of the water supply scheme should be obtained in the initial stages of the scheme only. The scheme should then be adjusted in relation to the fund available. Every step should be taken to make the scheme as economical as possible and to take the maximum advantage of it.

(2) Population: From the available census of previous years, the present population should be determined and it is a general practice to make the scheme to accommodate population after three or four decades. The various units of the scheme are accordingly designed and the probable population after three or four decades is decided by any suitable method. The failure to provide for future expansion results in great hardship in future.

(3) Quality of water: The quality of available water decides the line of treatment of water. The more pure water is, the less is the cost of its treatment. Hence, the samples of available sources of water should be taken and properly analyzed and the results of various tests should be thoroughly studied to suggest an economical water supply scheme for the locality.

(4) Rate of consumption: The demand of water depends on various uses such as domestic, industrial, public, trade, etc. The rate of consumption per capita should be decided by carefully considering all these possible uses. This rate, when multiplied by the population, gives the total quantity of water required for the water supply scheme.

(5) Sanitary survey of area: The sanitary survey of area surrounding the available water sources should be carefully carried out. Such a survey helps in estimating the possible pollution or contamination of water from such sources. The sanitary survey includes the collection of information regarding the likely sources of water pollution.

(6) Sources of water supply: It is quite clear that the success of a water supply scheme entirely depends on a good source of supply of water. The source should be selected while keeping in view its adequacy, quality of water and cheapness. The present source of water supply should also be adjusted properly in the new water supply scheme.

(7) Topography of area: The topographical map of the area to be served by the scheme should be prepared and it should be studied in relation to the low lying area, ridges, density of population, etc. The study is essential to evolve a simple but cheap water supply scheme.

(8) Trends of town development: The trends of town development in future should be predicted and properly adjusted in the water supply scheme. Such trends may take various forms such as possibility of new industries, public recreation centers, public institutions, residential blocks, etc.

Above given points are based on city level, but these should also be considered at an individual level. Adding to it, there are some factors which should also be taken care of before / while construction begins.

Source of Water:  One should determine which source of water is available on site.

  •       Supply from government
  •        Underground water
  •        Rainwater Harvesting
  •        Nearby Pond or well

Depending upon the requirement one should determine whether filtration or cleaning of water is required or not.

Note: Even, if proper water supply is available, it is recommended (as per norms and guidelines) that rain water harvesting must be done. If you don’t want to use it for household purpose then you should use it for plants, vegetation or use it for recharging ground water.

22nd March: World Water Day
If you have any query, please comment it down.


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