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Wall Decoration

We all know that walls are one of the main visual aspects of interior of any built up space. It is much important to have beautiful walls because wall are the first eye catching element of any building. Wall decoration can help in changing our mood. Keeping in mind all these things one wishes to have a good wall covering or wall decoration which is easy to maintain as well as improve interior aesthetics and visually appealing. So, we are going to discuss about what wall covering / wall decoration is and different materials used for the same.


After a wall is constructed ( of any material ) the material used in wall construction remained exposed. So, we use different type of other material, like we do plastering, PoP, painting, paneling etc. This process of covering wall to protect it and to improve aesthetics is what we can say Wall covering or Wall decoration.


There are a number of materials used for wall decoration are available in the market. You might already know some of the materials. We are going to discuss one by one.

EXPOSED WALL : Not a decorating material but sometimes the masonry is done in such a beautiful way that there is no need of any decoration and it looks pretty good. The wall which is left as it is without any other work done is what we call an exposed wall.

Exposed wall may be of Brick masonry, Stone masonry or any other material. They just look amazing if the masonry is done properly.  Sometimes people use different other printed materials like tiles, wallpaper etc. just to have these kind of look.

PLASTERED WALL :  Sometimes wall is left as it is but after plastering of the wall. Plaster may be of any material like cement, lime, clay etc. All types of plastering looks beautiful if done properly. Clay plaster and Lime plaster can be polished to have a shiny wall. It is totally up to you weather you want a rough, matte or shiny surface. 


Lime plaster has been used in history and still it is in use. Clay plaster is also a traditional method and very useful even today if you want to have a eco-friendly home.

WALL PUTTY :  It is a white cement based powder used for wall covering. Basically it is used after plastering of the wall and before applying the costly wall paints. As an option for wall covering sometimes it is left as it is and no paint is applied after this. Wall putty done on wall looks simply gorgeous and it can be a better option to have a minimalist white look in your interior.


Wall putty can be used for interior wall covering as well as for exterior wall covering. It is more durable in comparison to PoP wall covering. It can also provide a smooth surface and also water resistant to some extent. It is better to use two layers of putty instead of one for increasing its durability. There is no need of curing after applying putty on wall.

PLASTER of PARIS :  It is also known as Gypsum Plaster. These days plaster of gypsum can directly be applied (after adding some plasticizer or some other material ) on wall instead of cement plaster. Prior to it PoP  is simply used to provide covering to cement plaster. PoP can be layered up to 10 mm.

Generally pop is used for interior wall and not recommended for exterior walls. Setting time of putty is less and it sets with in 20-30 minutes. Another benefits of pop is that no crack occur after its setting. Also many design for decoration are also made using pop, one of which can be seen in the upper picture.

PAINT :  It is another way to cover your wall and decorate it. Paint can be used anywhere, it can be be used indoor as well as outdoor. Paint can lasts upto ten years if maintained properly. There are paints available in market which are dust repellent and can easily be cleaned by using wet sponge. 

Paint provide you choice weather you want a smooth, matte, textured, colorful type of surface. There is a variety of colors, and design patterns are available in paints. Paints are in use for a long time ago and are a good option for your walls.

WALLPAPER :  Wallpaper is a type of sheet covering for your walls. It is available in the form of sheet rolls. These sheets are glued to wall after surface preparation. Wallpapers are trending these days in place of paint, but both have their own properties and usage. There are types of wallpaper available in market. Some of which are listed below : 
~Liner Wallpaper
~Printed Wallpaper
~Vinyl Wallpaper
~Flock Wallpaper
~Bamboo Wallpaper etc.

Main advantage of wallpaper is that they can be customized as per your choice and most of the wallpapers are washable today. However wallpaper are used for interior decoration only. 

TILES : Tiles are a ceramic based product used for wall covering as well as flooring. Wall Tiles are widely used for exterior as well interior decoration. Mostly tiles are used for exterior for protecting wall against extreme weather. Tiles are highly water repellent and can be used for bathroom, kitchen and elevation of your building. It is used for walls by using mortar and other chemical adhesives.

Tiles are widely used because of its protection quality. And a lot of designs like 2D patterns, 3D patterns, textures, colors are available in market. Also you may have any type of look you want like wooden, brick, stone etc. 

STONE CLADDING : Natural stone can be used for covering walls. Kota stone, granite, marble etc. are some of the natural stones widely used. Stones are mostly used for public places for covering walls. It can be used for both interior as well as for exterior. Apart from wall covering stones can be used for flooring as well. Similar to wall tiles mortar and other adhesives are used for wall covering. Stones is a hard and it are very much durable.

Stones are available in form of sheets of 12-25 mm thickness. Stones can be used for wall covering as dry cladding as well as wet cladding and also by composite cladding. Stone cladding is very good way of covering walls if you want a durable material that lasts longer. A variety of natural colors are available in stones to choose from.

AAC BLOCK CLADDING : Autoclaved aerated concrete is a type of masonry material. However it can be used for cladding after cutting it in to pieces. Generally it is not used for cladding but some people use it as an option in place of other materials. 

Different types of designs and patterns can be made by using this material. 

PVC PANEL : PVC means polyvinyl chloride. In general we can say it is a plastic material that can be used for covering interior walls. This material is becoming popular these days due to its advantages. It is available in panels having tongue and groove type of joint. It is hollow from inside hence provide some sort of insulation as well.

PVC wall panels are good water and fire resistant. These panels can be used to hide wall seepage. Also, these panels are easy to maintain and can be cleaned just by wiping a wet cloth. A variety of designs are available in this product range. Even two designs or colors can easily be mixed up due to the tongue and groove facility.

WOOD PANELLING : Wood paneling is another way of interior wall decoration. In this material a frame of wood is fixed on the wall. After that all the other panels are fixed one by one to the frame. The gap remained between panel and frame can be filled with some kind of insulating material. 

Wood paneling could be a good option for sound insulation. It could be a better option for home theatre, offices etc. Wood paneling may cost you higher because of the lack of timber and continuous deforestation makes wood somewhat costly.

  • Space 
  • Appearance
  • Comfort
  • Durability
  • Safety
  • Ease of cleaning
  • Cost
One should consider above listed points to have a good, durable, cost effective, easy to maintain wall.

*If you have any query, then comment it down.


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