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Toilet Lid Cover and Jet Sprays

As we all know Seat/ Lid Cover and Jet sprays are an integral part of sitting type toilet seats. We will discuss these one by one.


Toilet may be a floor mount water closet, wall hung water closet, two piece water closet or a one piece water closet. Now lots of varieties in seat cover are available in the market with new designs. So toilet seat covers are also getting continuous improvements in design.
Toilet seats often have a lid/seat cover. This lid is frequently left open it can be closed to prevent small items from falling in, to reduce odour, for aesthetic purpose or to provide a chair in the toilet room. Generally it is made up of plastic and is very useful. 


Depending upon the way of closing these toilet lid cover can be classified into two types. Both of them are made of plastic. These are:   

As the name suggest, it has soft closing and if the seat cover falls slow without any noise, then it is known as a soft close seat cover. It is also known as hydraulic toilet seat cover The main advantage offered by this type of toilet lid cover is safety, especially when the toilet is used by children. It is a kind of automatic seat cover because you can simply leave it just after a little push, after that it will close itself without making any noise.


As the name suggests, it has a hard closing and if the seat cover falls with noise, then it is known as a hard close seat cover. You will need to put it down manually, if you leave it just by pushing, it will close itself with noise and collision which may cause damage to children.

  # There are a lots of designs like oval, rectangular, circular, anglo-indian are available with different sizes depending upon the size and design of the toilet. Also these are available in many colors which suits the toilet colour. Discussed above are the two general types based on the working/mechanism of the toilet seat cover. 


Toilet may be a floor mount water closet, wall hung water closet, two piece water closet or a one piece water closet. Now lots of varieties in jet sprays are available in the market with new designs.

Jet is a strip with a small hole or nozzle casted at the centre. This jet rests on the WC base at back. The nozzle or the small hole in centre is an outlet that provides a water jet for cleansing the body after toilet use. Seat jet is combined with a connection pipe and a valve.

Depending on the nozzle type and holding type jet sprays can be divided into four types. All these types have just a little difference  which results in different property. These are:

In this type the nozzle is flat and wide.


In this type the nozzle is of conical shape and provide a straight water jet.

In this type the nozzle is round in shape and provide a uni water jet.


In this type the nozzle is of shower type in shape and provide many streams of water. it can be used to clean body after toilet use as well as toilet.

# These jet sprays are also available in plastic as well. Discussed above are those which are used most commonly. 

*If you have any query, then comment it down.


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